How to Think Positive?
Make a conscious decision to think more positively. Write small reminders on cards and place them in areas you'll see frequently, such as your bathroom mirror, in your car or at your office.
Make it a habit to examine situations that you're experiencing in your life and find the good in them. Even if a situation is difficult or challenging, you can find some aspect--a person the experience brought into your life or a lesson learned--that made it positive.
Be grateful. Being grateful for the things that you have can make you think more positively about all areas of your life. When you realize that you have a great family or friends, a good job, a nice home--it's hard to be negative. Take a moment to write down all of the things you're grateful for.
Make positive affirmations out loud to yourself daily. Whether it is a positive comment about your appearance or work ethic, it can give you a positive boost. Try doing the same for your family, friends and co-workers. Give out more compliments.
Become aware of how often you hear and say the word "no" during the average day. "No" is the the most negative word in the English language and you may find yourself saying "no" for no particular reason. When someone invites you to do something, be positive and say "yes." It can bring about new experiences and friendships that make your life better.