Can the Medication Paxil Cause Weight Gain?

According to Dr. Daniel K. Hall-Flavin of the Mayo Clinic, not all anti-depressants cause weight gain; however, Paxil can and often does. He explains that serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Paxil is one, don't normally cause weight gain whereas MAOIs, tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, are more likely to result in added weight. In this case, Paxil, which is an SSRI, is the exception, particularly if taken for a long period of time.
  1. Immediate Weight Gain

    • Dr. Hall-Flavin notes that if an individual starts to gain weight the very first week that she is on the antidepressant, this may be a strong indicator that she will gain a significant amount of weight while on the drug.

    Anxiety-Based Depression

    • Dr. Apovian, director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston Medical Center and associate professor of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine explains that Paxil does, in many cases, cause weight gain because it can have a sedative effect on an individual, which may make the person sleepy and less physically active. Paxil is often used to treat anxiety-based depression, which can't be said about all anti-depressants. If you have anxiety-based depression and that it why your physician selected Paxil for your treatment, make sure that any subsequent anti-depressants that you may choose to switch to also treat your anxiety.

    The Brain's Appetite Center

    • Antidepressants, including Paxil, may increase appetite, according to Dr. Aprovian, because the medication has an effect on the brain's appetite center.


    • According to, the reason that Paxil may cause weight gain is because it can interfere with enzymes in your liver, the function of these enzymes being the management of metabolism so that it operates efficiently. If your metabolism becomes sluggish, you can gain weight. It is thought that SSRIs, including Paxil, can mess up neuro-endocrine system pathways. The hormone leptin, which is fat cell-derived, may be altered by the use of Paxil. Leptin is a chemical messenger. As a chemical messenger, leptin lets your brain know how fat you are and instructs your body to eat accordingly. Leptin is also integral to your energy levels. Consequently, if leptin is altered in some way or another this can lead to weight gain.

    Consider All Factors

    • It is very easy to blame weight gain on a drug and, in fact, the drug might be culpable but consider other factors that might be causing the weight gain including an under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism), which can present much like depression insofar as symptoms are concerns; a better appetite if your depression lifted since you have been on medication or simply because you have been over-eating. If you believe your weight gain is directly related to Paxil, discuss this with your physician. Perhaps there is a better medication for you or maybe the dosage can be lowered.

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