Positive Thinking Activities
Journaling is the practice of putting your thoughts on paper. When journaling, write as if you were having a conversation with yourself. Write down your emotions, what bothers you and what your reactions are to things. Write down whatever comes to mind. Writing things down acts as a release and provides perspective. Try to focus on positive aspects and past accomplishments. Journaling does not have to be neat and well-written; a journal is private and personal and is not meant to be seen by others.
Associate with Positive People
Affiliate yourself with positive and upbeat people. People are often a result of their environment and surrounding yourself with positive people will have a positive effect. Negative people try to drag you down and when possible, avoid spending time with people who have a negative effect on you. Make it a practice to converse with positive people. Seek out positive relationships at work and with your family. When you surround yourself with enthusiastic and supportive relationships, you will pick up their attitudes and gain strength to pursue your own dreams. You have the ability to decide who you spend time with.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are brief upbeat statements that can be repeated or left on notes where they will be seen most often, such as the refrigerator or desk at work. Affirmations should be optimistic, in the present tense and say something that you are looking for. Keeping them short makes them simpler to recall and recite.
Positive affirmations contradict negative thoughts. When used properly, affirmations ward off negative thoughts. Affirmations are not just repetition. Affirmations are a way of becoming more attentive of your daily thoughts and words.
Find Humor
Let yourself laugh, find humor in the simple things and have fun. Don't take things too seriously and learn to laugh at yourself. People enjoy being around others who find humor in embarrassing moments. Laughter helps to elevate moods. If you find yourself having negative thoughts, read jokes, watch a comedy or just behave silly sometimes. Medical studies show that laughter helps to reduce stress. A recent study in The Journal of Primary Prevention showed that participants who laughed for 15 minutes a day for three weeks had an increase in optimism and positive emotions.
Practice Gratitude
Counting your blessings is another positive thinking technique. Everyone has something to be thankful for. Ask yourself what you are grateful for, whether it is having shelter, clothes on your back, children or your health. Make a list of things you are appreciative for and write them down. Focus on what you do have and not on what you do not have. Before you go to bed or when you are feeling down, pull out the list and review your blessings. Another way to practice gratitude is to thank people who have helped you in your life.