Effects of St John's Wort
St. John's Wort grows best in the lime-rich soils of Europe, Australia and the United States. The herb's leaves, stems and flowers are used for medicinal purposes.
Records from the Roman Empire list St. John's Wort as a tonic for nerves, England dates its use to the 1600s, and Native Americans used it to treat diarrhea, snakebites and minor wounds.
St. John's Wort causes a relaxing effect on the body, which relieves mild depression, anxiety and seasonal affected disorder (SAD).
St. John's Wort has anti-inflammatory qualities and helps relieve swelling in the joints, muscles and colon, making it useful to treat arthritis, gout, myalgia and diarrhea.
St. John's Wort has a pain relieving, or analgesic, effect on the skin, making it a topical treatment for burns, wounds and contusions.
St. John's Wort can interact with some drugs, so consult a physician before using. St. John's Wort also causes sensitivity to sunlight, so use precaution when outside while taking.