What Is Agitated Depression?
Agitated depression is a major subdivision of the mental illness depression. There are three forms of agitated depression:
Psychotic Agitated Depression---a severe form of melancholia
Non-psychotic Agitated Depression---a moderate depression with the agitated symptoms
Excited Agitated Depression---psychic agitation and racing thoughts
Agitated depression is most common among older Americans, but it does affect all adult age groups. Some causes that can lead to this type of state are relationship and financial problems, all types of trauma, a loss of a loved one or a chronic illness .
Agitated depression is unlike most other forms of depression. Instead of feeling down, wiped out and lethargic, people are more antsy, angry and irritated. Some symptoms that might signal a depressive episode are: talking in long stretches, being anxious, restless, outbursts of complaining, shouting, not sitting still and hand-wringing. If you are experiencing at least two of these disorders concurrently for a prolonged period of time, medical attention should be sought.
Medication and therapy are two types of highly effective treatments administered to combat agitated depression. Drug treatment is very specific due to the many side effects medications can have. It is highly recommended that the patient take accurate doses during his time under care. Therapy is useful as patients seek to deal with the problems causing a depressive mood. These two types of treatment may take months to finally show results, depending on the severity of the illness.
People who suffer from agitated depression may think that it isn't a big problem and decline to get medical attention. They may feel it's just a mood swing and not view it as anything more. All forms of depression are a major mental illness. Seek physician help if you find yourself suffering from any symptoms of agitated depression as it could be a sign of bipolar disorder, another major mental disorder.
Not seeking medical attention for agitated depression can lead to bipolar and suicidal states. Additionally, when people are taking prescribed drugs, it is important that they stay on their regimen. Do not deviate from physician's orders due to feeling positive or tired of taking them. It will only hamper your progress. Agitated Depression, along with all types of depression, leads to 15 percent of suicides, by far the most common cause for the fatal action among mental health disorders.