Signs & Symptoms of Atypical Depression
Sadness and Loss of Interest
Sadness is one of the characteristic symptoms of atypical depression, according to WebMD. Loss of interest in activities that usually make the person happy is a related symptom. According to Mayo Clinic, these symptoms often appear at an earlier age in people with atypical depression as opposed to nonatypical depression.
Uncontrollable Crying
Uncontrollable crying, which is a symptom related to sadness caused by atypical depression, is one of the symptoms listed on WebMD. Patients may cry for no apparent reason and may cite sadness or hopelessness as the reason that they are crying. They may appear unable to stop crying voluntarily.
Trouble Concentrating and Making Decisions
When people are suffering from depression, their mental state may be impaired by chemical imbalances. They may also be so consumed by feelings of sadness that it is difficult for them to focus on other things. WebMD lists trouble concentrating and difficulty making decisions as related symptoms of atypical depression.
Change in Sleep Habits
Change in sleep habits, usually resulting in excessive sleep or the inability to sleep, is a sign of atypical depression listed on WebMD. MayoClinic lists oversleeping as a more common symptom.
Change in Appetite
According to WebMD, people who are experiencing atypical depression are likely to gain or lose weight as a result of a change in appetite that causes them to overeat or undereat. Depressed people may eat for comfort, or may deprive themselves of food because of low self-worth. MayoClinic lists overeating as one of the more common symptoms of atypical depression.
Decreased Libido
A decreased sex drive is a common symptom of atypical depression, according to WebMD. People who are atypically depressed may lose interest in sex because they feel worthless, or they may lose enjoyment in sex because they are focused on their sadness.