About Pregnancy & Depression
Pregnancy is a monumental time in a woman's life. While it can cause elation at times, the very state of pregnancy can bring about feelings of sadness, fear, and depression. This is normal, however, and can be treated successfully so the pregnancy and ensuing years can be enjoyed to their fullest.-
What is Depression during Pregnancy?
Depression is a mood disorder. It affects one in four women at some point and approximately 13 percent of pregnant women. Antepartum depression is the term used to describe depression during pregnancy. It is a biological illness that affects the brain chemistry in pregnant women. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy affect brain chemicals the same way depression does in women who are not pregnant.
What are the Symptoms?
The symptoms of depression during pregnancy are similar to those of depression without pregnancy. While most women will experience some or all of these symptoms occasionally, if they persist for more than two weeks, depression could be a factor. Symptoms include unrelenting sadness without reason, trouble concentrating, drastic changes in sleep patterns, loss of interest in favorite activities, suicidal thoughts and thoughts of dying and hopelessness, anxiety, and change in eating habits.
What Causes Depression during Pregnancy?
A variety of things can trigger depression during pregnancy. If there is a family history of depression or anxiety, the chances of depression during pregnancy are considerably higher. Other causes include relationship problems during pregnancy and living alone. Being pregnant during a troubling event with the child's father can lead to serious depression and anxiety. Fertility treatments, previous miscarriages, and serious life events such as financial problems, deaths, and past mental or physical abuse can also be triggers.
What is the Treatment for Depression during Pregnancy?
Taking good care of yourself during pregnancy is the first step to taking good care of your baby. There are two options in treating depression during pregnancy--therapy and medicine. Therapy can include group support, psychiatric help, social worker interaction. Medicine is used when the symptoms are severe. Both methods could be prescribed or just one.
Can Depression during Pregnancy Hurt the Baby?
If left untreated, depression can harm the mother and the baby. Depression causes women to lose the will to care for themselves during pregnancy. This causes other problems, such as eating poorly, incorrect sleep patterns, and drugs and alcohol use. All these issues can harm the baby and result in missed prenatal visits.