How to Increase Norepinephrine

Norepinephrine is both a neurotransmitter and a hormone. Alone with epinephrine, norepinephrine is secreted by the adrenal glands and is released biologically when the body is under short-term stress. This causes increased heart rate and circulation, muscle readiness, and releases glucose from the body's fat stores. A slight increase in norepinephrine can be pleasurable or arousing, however, too much of an increase results in triggering the body's "fight or flight" response. Most antidepressants and drugs used to treat ADD/ADHD increase norepinephrine levels (or prevent the re-uptake back into the body) along with increasing serotonin and/or dopamine levels.

Things You'll Need

  • Supplements containing tyrosine, phenylalanine, or St. John's wort Membership to a gym, or an alternative place to exercise Prescription for drug to help with depression or ADD/ADHD (optional)
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    • 1

      Go to a store or web site that sells vitamins and supplements and purchase L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine or St. John's wort. Read the labels carefully prior to purchase. L-phenylalanine and St. John's wort are not intended for use by pregnant or lactating women, or those taking MAO inhibitors (certain antidepressants).

    • 2

      Exercise your cardiovascular system at the gym or by running, biking or rowing, for example. Cardiovascular exercise has been shown to increase both epinephrine and norepinephrine. Maintaining a consistent exercise regimen will contribute to a sense of overall well-being.

    • 3

      Allow at least two to four weeks to pass while taking supplements and consistently getting exercise. If you are getting the results you desire (elevated mood and an increase in your ability to focus) then you should maintain this. If you still feel depressed and/or lack focus, continue to step 4.

    • 4

      Contact your physician and get professional advice. You may want to ask for a recommendation to see a psychiatrist. Your feelings of depression or your inability to focus may be due to a chemical imbalance that could be better treated with prescription medication.

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