How to Cure Loneliness
Discover the reasons why you feel lonely. Uncovering your true feelings may require some soul-searching, but can be beneficial to curing your loneliness. Considering when you first started feeling lonely and what intensifies your loneliness can help you understand why you feel the way you do.
Understand that there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. Although these two states can be intertwined, they can also be exclusive of each other. For example, just because you experience an unpleasant breakup, doesn't mean you have to feel lonely. Don't let other people make you feel ashamed for being single. Realize that it is better be alone than to be stuck in an unhealthy relationship.
Disclose your feelings to a trusted friend. Sometimes expressing your negative feelings can provide instant relief from frustration and loneliness. Having your voice "heard" can alleviate feeling as if no one cares about you or your emotions. Choose a well-adjusted friend who has strong listening skills to reduce any insecurity about discussing your intimate feelings.
Build your self-confidence to cure loneliness. Although it's fine to crave regular social interaction, avoid using social activity as a substitute for dealing with your feelings. Understand that you should feel comfortable being alone and that you are worth healing. Knowing that you have value can alleviate feelings of loneliness and even attract others to you.
Reach out to others in constructive ways. A simple change of scenery can help restore positive feelings. Stop sulking about being lonely and start changing your social situation. Going out with friends to a restaurant or club can lift your spirits. Inviting friends over can boost your morale and show you that happiness is possible. Surround yourself with positive people to avoid being lured into destructive activities and behaviors.