Causes of Severe Depression
Identify the Causes
Depression is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) as when a period of sadness lasts longer than two weeks and interferes with daily functioning. Hopelessness, loss of appetite, disruption in sleep patterns and thoughts of suicide can also occur. Various things can cause depression, and determining what is causing the depression can help a person learn to treat his symptoms. Identifying the causes by looking at several factors can be very helpful.
Genetic Causes
Doctors have noticed that a person with depression also has or had a family member with the condition. Children of parents with depression may be predisposed to develop depression, however this does not mean that they will. Some family members may develop depression while others may not. If a family member has depression, it is important to recognize the symptoms of depression so help can be sought quickly.
Physical Causes
Some physical illnesses can cause depression. Diseases that attack the brain can cause significant mood symptoms. Physical conditions like dementia have been known to cause depressed mood. Physicians may prescribe an anti-depressant or talk therapy when a person is being treated for a physical disorder in order to address the possibility of depression occurring as well.
Biological Causes
An imbalance of the chemicals in the brain that control mood can cause a shift in mood. Serotonin, endorphins and dopamine are chemicals that work in the brain and are responsible for mood. Mood swings and severe depression can result when these chemicals are over- or under-producing.
Substance-Induced Causes
The use of illegal drugs and some prescription drugs can cause depression. Using drugs and drinking alcohol can depress mood. These drugs work by depressing the nervous system and can actually slow functioning and cause depressed mood. The misuse of painkillers can also cause a person to have significant mood impairment.
Environmental Causes
The factors that are most likely to cause depression are situational. Various circumstances like breaking up with a boyfriend, losing a parent or getting fired from a job can all trigger a depressive episode. Recognizing the environmental factors that cause depression is important because you may have some control over the situations you put yourself in. Working to identify situational triggers can help treat severe depression.