Signs & Symptoms of Agitated Depression
While depression normally includes a lack of energy and lethargy, agitated depression (also known as "mixed mania") causes a person to feel restless and irritable. Agitated depression is a relatively common type of depression, and frequently accompanies bipolar disorder.-
Major Depression
Major depression is characterized by a feeling of sadness that lasts for at least two weeks. The depression aspect of agitated depression is often accompanied by crying, suicidal thoughts, and a feeling of hopelessness.
The agitation component of agitated depression is usually displayed in a general restless attitude of the person affected. Restlessness causes pacing, handwringing, and unconscious movement.
Mental Distress
Mental distress is displayed by the affected person complaining, yelling, or having fits and outbursts. Someone suffering from agitated depression will usually complain of an inability to concentrate and may describe feelings of agitation and racing thoughts.
Talkativeness is closely related to the mental distress component of agitated depression. When the affected person experiences racing thoughts and mental distress, she often verbalizes her irritable and uncomfortable feelings. Some talk quickly, seeming to lose track of what they have said and may repeat themselves several times.
Hair and Skin Agitation
Restlessness and agitation may cause the person to try to keep her hands busy to use up her excess energy. This restlessness combined with low self esteem and sadness often causes people suffering from agitated depression to pick at their own hair and skin, causing skin irritation and loss of hair.