Signs of Post-Partum Depression
Trouble Sleeping
When a baby is first born, he will sleep and wake at small intervals. This is why parents are sleep-deprived most of the time. This usually makes it easy to sleep when the baby sleeps. However, if you have trouble sleeping, then it may be a sign of post-partum depression.
Feelings of sadness are one of the most prominent signs of post-partum depression. Often, women feel as if there is no reason to be sad, and yet they feel sad anyway. This then often makes the woman feel worse, because she feels she should be happy.
Along with the feelings of sadness may come crying. The crying may become uncontrollable and cause the woman to have trouble breathing and bring up feelings of anxiety. It may be difficult to stop the crying. In this case, it is necessary to seek help for yourself and caring for your baby.
Mood Swings
Mood swings are quite common in new mothers. There is a lot going on and you may feel yourself go from very happy about the new baby and your new life to very sad for no ostensible reason about your new baby and your new life.
Everyone wants to lose the baby weight, but it is very important to keep up eating after the baby is born. If you feel a loss of appetite, or an overall disinterest in eating, then it may be a sign of post-partum depression.
Post-partum Psychosis
Post-partum depression can go a step further into post-partum psychosis. Women with post-partum psychosis may feel like they want to hurt themselves or hurt the baby, or they may ignore the baby altogether. These thoughts and feelings and actions must be discussed with a doctor.