Causes of Depression & Treatment
People can suffer from situational depression when something in their life abruptly changes. This may be a death, loss of job, divorce, or some other negative life-altering event. This type of depression should diminish with time.
Some people suffer from depression due to a chemical imbalance. This can be worsened by situations but often exists without an obvious reason. Someone may look fine on the outside but be suffering from depression on the inside.
Sometimes people develop depression after something has physically altered their way of life. Examples are postpartum depression, loss of a limb or an unfavorable medical diagnosis.
Medication may be used to help people cope with their depression. These can alter the chemicals in the brain so that a person my feel more balanced. With situational depression, these medicines may help someone through the difficult time. If a person is chemically depressed, the medications may be necessary on a long-term basis.
Seeking out someone to talk to is an important component of treatment for depression. Talking to a counselor, therapist or psychiatrist can help someone get a proper diagnosis and possibly learn where the depression comes from and how to deal with it on a daily basis.
Understanding and Acknowledgment
Understanding what depression is and acknowledging that you may have a problem is the first step in getting treatment. It helps to have a support system of family, friends, support group and/or counselor.