Depression Symptoms in Men
A sudden change in behavior and attitude can be a symptom of depression in men. Men may also become increasingly irritable, isolated and withdrawn. It is not uncommon that a depressed man stops doing his favorite hobby or pastime. Many times, people suffering from depression, including men, turn to self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. A sudden increase or decrease in appetite is also another symptom that occurs in some men with depression. Still other men use escapes like working overtime and spending more time alone to try to hide from their depression. Violent or abusive behavior can also be a symptom.
Unhealthy and Healthy Coping Strategies
Unhealthy coping strategies that many men turn to when faced with depression are drinking too much, illegal drugs, working too much, reckless driving, unsafe sex and isolating themselves from the rest of the world. Healthy coping strategies include talking to a counselor or trusted friend about thoughts and feelings to uncover possible reasons for depression, and getting involved in activities that were once enjoyed.
Higher Completed Suicide Rate in Men
Thoughts of suicide that accompany depression can be dangerous lethal weapons, especially for men. Men are much more likely to complete suicide than women. Men tend to use methods to commit suicide that are effective, like guns and hanging. Men also tend act much faster on suicidal thoughts than women do. This gives men very little time to cool down and see the problem as it really is, instead of the way it is currently perceived to be. Anyone, male or female, who is considering suicide or having suicidal thoughts should get medical attention immediately.
Many men believe that being depressed is something they should tough out and that they will just get over it. This is the biggest misconception by men; people with depression typically do not get better unless they are medically treated, go to counseling or remove the thing that is cause of the depression. Another misconception of male depression is that getting treated for depression make a man, well, less of a man. This is completely untrue; being emotionally unstable and feeling depressed can be caused by something as simple as a change in chemical balances in the brain.
Famous Men with Depression
What do Owen Wilson and Buzz Aldrin have in common? Male depression. Many famous men throughout history and today have suffered with depression, such as Terry Bradshaw, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dave Matthews, Anthony Hopkins, James Taylor, Trent Reznor of the band Nine Inch Nails and Winston Churchill.