Adverse Side Effects of Effexor
Cognitive Disruptions
A more common side effect of Effexor is periodic disruptions in cognitive health, such as intermittent headaches or even seizures. Lack of focus and concentration are also common side effects, along with confusion or memory loss.
Digestive Problems
Effexor can also cause problems with the digestive system, such as nausea or vomiting. It may come about as a change in frequency and consistency of bowel movements, such as diarrhea or constipation. Effexor can also cause an increase or decrease in appetite.
Cardiovascular Issues
Effexor can also affect cardiovascular health and may cause an irregular or uneven heartbeat. It may also cause a person to suffer from a pounding or rapid heart rhythm.
Skin Problems
Effexor can also cause skin rashes. A rash may manifest as a raised flushing to the skin or even a blistering or peeling to random patches along the body. It may also cause some people to suffer an increased bruising due to an impact or pressure that wouldn't normally prompt a bruise.
Sexual Disturbance
Disturbances in sexual desire or ability are also common side effects. It may create a decrease in a person's libido, impotence or the inability to achieve an orgasm.
High Blood Pressure
Effexor can also cause a rise in a person's systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure, prompting the appearance of prehypertension or hypertension, which often causes headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision and nosebleeds.
When someone is using Effexor as treatment for mental health, he may begin to suffer from periodic fevers. These fevers will be mild in nature, around 99 to 100 degrees F, but can prompt some sweating and ache or stiffness within the muscles.