How to Look for Signs of Depression
Watch for obvious signs. Individuals suffering from depression may experience frequent periods of crying or feeling sad. Physical signs may also occur in some people, such as a lack of energy and problems sleeping. Pay attention to frequent complaints of headaches or stomach problems.
Notice a fluctuation in weight. A lack of appetite may occur in some people who suffer from depression, leading to unintentional weight loss. The opposite may also happen in some people, with overeating a result of their depression. According to the University of California at San Francisco, an unintentional weight change of more than 5 percent within one month may be a sign of depression.
Listen to what an individual is saying. Statements that express feelings of uselessness or worthlessness may be signs of depression. Guilt is also a common sign of depression. Some people with depression blame themselves for their condition, which may lead to feelings of guilt.
Spot a loss of interest in activities, such as school and work. Individuals who are depressed may also not want to participate in activities they once enjoyed, such as sports, hobbies and spending time with friends. Pay attention to frequent excuses to avoid activities.
Be aware that, to some extent, signs of depression in men may be similar to those in women. However, there may also be different signs in some men. For instance, according to the University of Washington Hall Health Primary Care Center, men who are depressed are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving and drug use. Other signs in men include avoiding loved ones and easily becoming angry or violent.
Detect signs of depression in children, which may include frequent crying, physical symptoms like digestive problems, and irritability. Children may also experience a decline in grades at school. According to the University of Michigan Depression Center, some symptoms in children may vary according to the child's developmental stage.