How to Overcome Depression Through Self-Help
Help Yourself Overcome Depression
Exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic website, "physical activity and exercise have been shown to reduce depression symptoms." Try taking a daily walk or sign up for a fitness class at al community center or gym.
Meditate or pray. If you spend some time in meditation or prayer, you will discover it has calming effects on your life and can help you feel more balanced. Taking a moment to calm down and clear your mind can help you feel restored every day.
Enlist the help of family and friends. When you are depressed, it might be difficult for you to make serious decisions about your life or to see your situation clearly. Spend time with people who can help you objectively examine your situation and find ways to improve it. Setting aside time to be around positive people can help you feel more positive, too. Just be careful not to spend time with anyone who will add negativity to your life or make you feel more depressed than you did to begin with.
Set small goals for yourself. Depression can make you feel life is hopeless. Depression can also take away the energy you have to perform daily tasks. Set goals in small increments, such as taking one positive step toward recovery and accomplishing one small job around the house each day. Accomplishing tasks, however small they are, will help you feel that you are making progress in your life, which lessens the burden of depression.