How to Help an Employee With Depression
Confront the employee. Make sure it is in private and no other employees are around. Do not talk down or be condescending to the employee. Be sure to let her know that you care and want to help.
Be empathic and genuine. If the employee is in a deep depression, he will want to know he is not alone and that he can trust you.
Really listen to the employee. Make sure there are as few interruptions as possible. Have somebody else answer the phone or cover your place while talking with the depressed employee. It may take a little while for the depressed person to open up, so be patient with him.
Help provide a solution. You can brainstorm with the employee. If you have the name and phone number of a therapist in the area, give that to the employee. Also discuss a solution for the workplace. She may need duties lightened for a week or two while she refocuses.
Follow up with the employee. Let him know he can come to you and discuss the situation as needed. But also be proactive and approach him to see how he is doing once he starts treatment. If his work improves, let him know that too.