How to Cure Depression Naturaly
Eat healthy. Depression can make you lose your appetite or overeat, and both of these contribute to depression. Have cereals and grains for breakfast, such as oats, which are a natural antidepressant. Eating breakfast will help stabilize your mood throughout the day, and may help prevent night snacking, which can disturb and prevent deep sleep, as your body doesn't sleep or rest well when it is digesting.
Eat your vegetables. Get enough fruit and vegetables daily, as these are high in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and vitamin B, which both assist in stress management and depression. Foods such as bananas, apples, broccoli and almonds are examples of foods high in essential vitamins and minerals.
Watch the carbs. Don't overeat high-carbohydrate foods such as bread and pasta, as these can make your moods swing up and down. Adding protein such as meat, fish, tofu or lentils to your meals will help stabilize this. A well-rounded balanced diet will help balance moods, so cut down on unhealthy foods, sugar, saturated fats, caffeine and alcohol, and increase your water intake to 8 to 10 cups a day. Don't skip meals.
Exercise daily. Exercise is considered immensely helpful for fighting depression, both physically and psychologically, as it builds a sense of inner strength. It encourages the release of endorphins in the body, assists with balancing hormones and promotes a deeper, more stable sleeping cycle.
Get some sun. Spend at least half an hour a day in the sun. This will assist in balancing hormone levels, encouraging energy levels and promoting better quality sleep. Wear a sunblock to protect your skin.
Take supplements. Multivitamin supplements contain essential vitamins and minerals that are effective in helping you cope with stress and depression. Omega 3 fish oil supplements, when taken every day, are considered extremely effective for fighting depression and the symptoms of depression, such as fatigue and lack of concentration. But they only work after being taken daily for a month, because they must build up in your system.
Get massage, acupressure or acupuncture treatments. These are effective for fighting depression, as they improve circulation. According to Chinese medicine, they improve the flow of life force in the body and remove blockages.
See a therapist for counseling or find a self-help book that relates to your specific depression. This can be helpful in sorting through your feelings and learning new patterns and behaviors.