Ways to Overcome Depression
If you think you're suffering from depression, speak to a doctor or psychotherapist as soon as possible. Depression often stems from unresolved traumatic experiences and/or biochemical imbalances in the brain. A therapist can work with you to identify those roots and teach you healthy ways to address them. As a result, the anxiety and negative emotions could diminish and your sense of self-empowerment improve. It doesn't come about overnight, but professional help often gets results.
Antidepressant medication isn't a magic bullet, but it does provide emotional stability that allows you to address depression more effectively. Most patients are prescribed SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants such as Prozac or Paxil. They affect levels of serotonin (a type of chemical neurotransmitter) in the brain. Other types of antidepressant are prescribed when patients don't respond to SSRIs or when they are taking medication for other conditions that may be adversely affected by SSRIs. In any case, always speak to your doctor before taking medication.
Don't Self-Medicate
Self-medicating can mean taking prescription medicine without a doctor's recommendation. But it can also mean turning to recreational drugs and/or alcohol. Such methods are a short-term solution at best, and in many cases make the symptoms worse. Furthermore, they can have unexpected side effects if you are currently taking prescribed medication for your depression. Stay away from alcohol and drugs when you suffer from depression .
Avoid Isolation
Cutting yourself off from friends and family tends to make depression symptoms worse. While that doesn't mean you need to go out partying every night, it does mean spending time with people who care about you and support you. Cultivate friends or family members who can listen to you when you're feeling down--who won't get on your case and who offer unconditional support if you need to talk. Take steps to be around friends if you feel the symptoms coming on.
Stay Active
Regular exercise is known to increase energy, which alleviates the symptoms of depression. It can also get you out into the fresh air and sunshine, and keep you from sitting on your couch and letting the symptoms creep up on you. Consider adopting a regular exercise program.