Acute Depression Treatment
Prescription Medications
Acute depression generally requires medication, and sufferers may be closely monitored by a medical doctor. The medication prescribed depends largely on the severity of the condition. Typically, doctors prescribe medications such as mood stabilizers, SSRIs and anti-depressants to balance certain brain chemicals and control symptoms of depression, like anxiety, restlessness, irritability, fatigue and sadness.
Oftentimes, certain physical or mentally traumatic events can trigger acute depression. Along with medications to balance moods, doctors may suggest psychotherapy, wherein patients and mental health professionals work together to uncover underlying issues that trigger an episode. Through therapy, patients learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Additionally, they learn coping techniques, which can reduce the frequency of depression.
Inpatient Treatment
In severe cases, individuals living with acute depression may seek treatment in a mental health facility of hospital. This type of treatment is often medically necessary whenever a person poses a danger to others or herself. Patients may experience hallucinations, irrational thoughts or suicidal thoughts. With 24-hour care, patients receive constant support and treatment.
Lifestyle Changes
Taking your prescription medication as directed is vital. Additionally, making certain lifestyle changes can vastly improve your condition. Individuals living with acute depression should follow their doctor's advice and attend all therapy sessions. Limit your alcohol consumption to ward off depression. Furthermore, leading an active and healthy lifestyle can improve symptoms of depression. Exercise releases the brain chemical dopamine, which can increase happiness and pleasure.
Vitamin Supplements
Vitamin supplements such as omega-3 fish oils effectively treat the symptoms of mild depression. In addition, these supplements can increase the effectiveness of medications used to treat acute depression. Talk with your doctor before beginning a vitamin regimen.