What Does Severe Depression Feel Like?
"The Blues" vs. Severe Depression
Everyone feels "down" from time to time. Feelings of sadness are natural after certain events occur, such as job loss or the death of a loved one. These feelings dissipate naturally with time. An individual who suffers from severe depression may appear to have no reason to feel depressed. However, the reason for this type of depression is physiologically based.
Loss of Joy
During a bout of severe depression, things the person usually enjoys doing hold no interest.
The depressed person believes that life will never change from its current situation. Believing that you will never have any interest in anything, ever again, can be extremely frightening. This is the cause of most depression-related suicides.
Feeling Sleepy or Unable to Sleep
Often, the depressed person will feel unable to sleep, with accompanying feelings of restlessness. Or, at the opposite end of that spectrum, the depressed person may be unable to wake up, or may feel lethargic and lacking in energy.
Unexplained Guilt Feelings and Indecision
The depressed person may feel guilty for no reason, and may have difficulty making even simple decisions, like where to have lunch.
No Desire to Socialize
It may be an effort for the depressed person to communicate even with family members, and going into social situations may be completely impossible due to feelings of worthlessness and anxiety.