How to Increase Serotonin Levels in the Brain
Ask your doctor about prescription medication. Antidepressants are serious medicine and should not be taken frivolously. If you suffer from depression however, they may be able to help. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) help your brain retain serotonin levels. Their ranks include Proazac, Paxil and Celexa.
Take homeopathic supplements such as St. Johns Wort and Rhodiola. Both show evidence of enhancing serotonin levels, and while you should exercise care when administering them just as you would with any medication, you don't need a prescription to take them.
Change your diet. Serotonin is made from an amino acid called tryptophan, which appears in many foods. The popular perception is that high protein foods like meat and nuts boost serotonin. Unfortunately, while they are very high in tryptophan, they also contain other amino acids, which compete with it for entry into the brain. Carbohydrates, on the other hand--bread, pasta, vegetables and beans--cause insulin levels in the bloodstream to increase, which absorbs any competing amino acids. Thus, more tryptophan breaks the blood-brain barrier and serotonin levels go up.
Spend more time in the sun. Bright light increases serotonin levels in ways still not entirely understood, and light lamps have been used to treat seasonal affective disorder and similar forms of depression for years. See if you can work in an office with large windows or take regular breaks to step outside into the sunshine. If you live in a place with cold, dark winters, look into light therapy as a possible means of boosting serotonin and take advantage of any moment when the sun comes out.
Exercise. Regular workouts are a proven means of elevating one's mood, and the more regularly you work out, the better your overall outlook becomes. Scientists are still debating whether exercise specifically involves an increase in serotonin levels, but several studies show that serotonin levels go up with increased motor activity and that exercise leaves increased amounts of tryptophan in the brain.