What Causes Early Morning Depression?
There is always something to be dissatisfied about. When asleep, the negative feeling is still present--it's just dormant for the moment. In the morning, you are reminded of why you are dissatisfied and that you must face another day with this niggling issue.
You wish you knew the answer to something critical, but you don't. You go to bed plagued by the unknown. When you awake, you are still haunted by the unknown.
The loss of someone or something close, whether it happened recently or 10 years ago, can set the tone in how you approach your day. If you never recovered from the loss (even if you thought you did), it hits most profoundly in the mornings.
Health Issues
If you are not eating properly, staying active and leading a balanced life, your brain and body suffer, shutting down. In the morning, you may feel especially lethargic and fatigued because your metabolism is running on empty.
Subconscious Clocking Overtime
Even while you sleep, your subconscious is awake. Too much cerebral activity will result in overload. Allow your mind and body to relax to help reduce gloominess and sadness in the mornings.
The Fix
Early morning depression usually fades after a few hours into the day. But if you suffer daily from this condition, seek help. There are many mental health specialists available who can help you get to the core of your issue.