Elder Female Depression Symptoms
Out of the 6 million elderly Americans who suffer from depression, women comprise the majority and only about 10 percent of them get treatment. As natural nurturers, elderly women may suffer from depression due to a variety of social, physical and economic factors. Building a strong support system can improve the quality of life and minimize depression symptoms for elderly women if action is taken as soon as the signs appear.-
Persistent Sadness
Elderly women who exhibit persistent sadness or anxiety and lose interest in pleasurable pastimes may be clinically depressed.
Changes in Patterns
Sudden changes in nighttime sleeping patterns, excessive sleepiness at odd hours and sudden weight gain or loss are warning signs for depression.
Guilt and Worthlessness
Intense feelings of being a burden to caregivers, guilt, low self-esteem, worthlessness, and self loathing are also symptoms of depression in elderly women.
Fatigue and Irritability
Some senior citizens who suffer from depression may also feel restless, tired and irritable, have difficulty making decisions or experience memory loss.
Physical Symptoms
Physical problems like unexplained headaches and chronic pain may also signal depression if they persist and are unresponsive to treatment.
The most dangerous symptoms of elderly female depression are prolonged, uncontrollable crying, thoughts of suicide or death and suicide attempts.