How to Prevent Clinical Depression
Things You'll Need
- Anti-depressants
- Therapist
Learn how to control stress. Stress and anxiety can trigger depression. If left untreated, mild or moderate depression can turn into major depression. Control anxiety with stress management techniques (breathing exercises, yoga, massages, exercise, hobbies and plenty of rest.)
Talk with a therapist. If you're dealing with ongoing mild to moderate depression, make an appointment to speak with a therapist. A mental health provider can help you identify situations or factors that trigger depression, and she can help you improve your coping skills.
Take your medication. To help you cope with anxiety or moderate depression, your doctor will likely prescribe an anti-anxiety or anti-depressant. Take the medication as directed to stabilize your mood and prevent clinical depression.
Get active. A sedentary life can trigger clinical depression. To improve your outlook on life and prevent a major episode of depression, start an exercise routine and strive to work out for at least 30 minutes every day. Exercise releases endorphins and naturally improves your moods.
Don't drink too much alcohol. Over-consumption of alcoholic beverages can bring on a major depression episode. To prevent clinical depression, drink no more than one alcoholic beverage a day or eliminate alcohol from your diet.
Get healthy. Get enough rest (at least eight hours of sleep a night), and eat a healthful diet. Increase your consumption of omega-3 oils such as salmon, tuna and nuts, and decrease your intake of refined carbohydrates (rice, white flour and pasta).
Get together with family and friends. When feeling depressed, some people isolate themselves or hide their feelings from love ones. Isolating yourself can lead to clinical depression. Talk to your family and friends and ask for their support.