How to Overcome Clinical Depression
When depression lasts for longer than two weeks and begins to interfere with daily functioning, you may be diagnosed with clinical depression. Clinical depression can be overwhelming for the person dealing with the depression as well as for the family members. It may feel like there is now way out and you may feel like giving up. There are ways to treat clinical depression, but you must seek help. You may feel like isolating yourself, but you will need support and guidance.Instructions
How to Overcome Clinical Depression
Understand the symptoms. Clinical depression is described as periods of sadness that last longer than two weeks and is interfering with daily functioning. Feelings of worthlessness, an inability to concentrate, a loss of pleasure in most activities, significant changes in appetite or sleep patterns and thoughts of suicide are all recognizable symptoms of clinical depression.
Talk to someone. Seek out a friend or family member and tell them how you are feeling. Fighting depression alone can feel impossible. If you are having thoughts to harm yourself or you feel like giving up, it is important to seek professional help immediately.
Get professional help. Many times depression can become so debilitating you cannot fight it alone. Finding a counselor who can help you address the feelings you are having as well as a psychiatrist who can perform a medical evaluation to assess for medications are vital steps in recovery. Clinical depression is often due to an imbalance in your brain chemistry and may not be able to be controlled without medication.
Stay engaged in treatment. Although you may feel like giving up, taking your medication, attending counseling and participating in support groups will help you take some control of your situation. Therapeutic activities designed to treat depression like keeping a journal, exercise and relaxation can help by exploring your feelings.
Be informed. Ask your practitioners questions about your treatment, visit reliable websites dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of depression like the ones listed below, and include your family in your treatment. The more support you have, the easier it will be for you to learn to manage your symptoms.