How to Help Teenagers With Depression
How to Help Teenagers with Depression
Educate yourself on the symptoms of teenage depression. Depression is often expressed as anger in teens rather than sadness, so identifying depression can be difficult. Symptoms of depression can include a loss of interest in activities, sleep disturbance, changes in appetite, periods of hopelessness, fatigue and suicidal thoughts. Become familiar with these signs of depression and continue to learn about the pressures teens are dealing with nowadays.
Know your teen. Get involved in the teen's life. Knowing their habits and friends can help you become more aware of changes in their behavior. Look for differences in behavior or personality that might signal a concern. Isolation is often a sign of depression.
Voice your concerns. Ask what you can do to help and offer to be there when they are ready to talk. Encourage then to get professional help when necessary, and participate in their treatment.
Provide opportunities. Depression can make everyday life difficult. Teens may try to withdraw from their normal activities. Encourage then to stay involved in extracurricular activities and social events. Provide activities with the family to keep them involved when they would rather retreat.
Be patient. Depression can be as frustrating for the loved ones of a depressed person as it is for the person themselves. Feeling helpless and frustrated is common. Don't try to solve all the problems yourself or your frustrations may put too much stress on your teen.