Homeopathic Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Platinum Metallicum
If you experience mental symptoms that include weeping, crying, impaired thinking, apathy and indifference, this homeopathic treatment of bipolar disorder is indicated. Headaches, twitching eyelids and buzzing noises in the ears are other symptoms that can be helped with this homeopathic treatment.
Agaricus Muscarius
To use this remedy, you must have several of the symptoms of bipolar disorder, primarily mental depression, languor, confusion, disinterest in working, reading difficulty where the type seems to swim, twitching of the eyelids and unnatural hunger.
The use of phosphorus is indicated when phlegm is present in the morning, the mind is consumed with fear and dread and feeling insecure and uncertain. If you are restless and easily vexed, consider the use of phosphorus.
Crocus Sativus
Crocus Sativas is indicated if you experience mania, where you are singing and laughing, experiencing delusions, hallucinations and have a sudden swing from mania to melancholy.
These are just a few of the homeopathic treatments for bipolar disorder. Using the remedy finder provided by ABC Homeopathy (see Resources) will help you determine if these remedies are right for you. The use of one treatment at a time is suggested to ensure the chosen remedy is the one for you.