How to Use Supplements to Control Moods
Gather information concerning your condition or ailments before you begin take any supplements. The more you know of the effect of different supplements, the better you will be able to us them to control your moods.
Take Valerian root to control negative moods that result from lack of sleep or stress. Taken mainly in pill form, this supplement is also available in teas and other beverages for easier ingestion. Known for its popularity in a broad range of home remedies for treatment of numerous ailments, Valerian root has also been proven capable of relieving various moods with calming properties that would result in the deprivation of sleep and/or anxiety attacks.
Relieve depression using Omega-3 fatty acids. Mainly successful in treating depression, this can be found in liquid, pill or powder form. The more common dosage advised when used for handling mood issues, is between 2,000 to 4,000 milligrams. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be attained by consuming fresh fish, cod liver oil or avocados. One half to one avocado per day is a good start on your required amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Try St. John's wort as a supplement for depression. Perhaps the most commonly known natural treatment, this supplement offers another option for treating depression, pre-menstrual symptoms and menopausal symptoms without relinquishing your physical health. This yellow-flowered plant has long been researched and tested, and boasting a minimum of negative results, has proven successful in enhancing moods in a positive way, and when taken in the doses advised on the packages, can help you control your moods.
Kava Kava is another widely researched herb, and has been proven to soothe and calm the mind, easing stress and tension without diminishing concentration and productivity. This is the herbal supplement to take if you are facing down a deadline or have an important exam.