How to Help a Friend With Depression
Learn about the signs and symptoms of depression. Many people suffering from depression will have a difficult time recognizing their symptoms and perhaps even thinking in a clear manner. Some of these are feelings of sadness, guilt, hopelessness, worthlessness and pessimism. Knowing that your friend is acting differently than his usual self can help to identify the possibility of depression.
Encourage your friend to talk about anything she is having a problem with. Being supportive and understanding will allow your friend the ability to accept any help that allows her to come to terms with her depression. Helping her to understand the seriousness of this condition can help her to see that she needs to get professional help.
Find professionals trained in working with depressed people and offer to go with him for an appointment if he wants. Having other types of information such as books or support group information for depression can help your friend understand the need for treatment and the serious nature of the course of depression.
Remind your friend that she is not alone. Being supportive is the best help you can provide to a friend affected by depression. she may say that sometimes it feels as though the condition will never go away, but with the proper help and intervention it can be controlled and even overcome.
Inform your friend that many people suffer from depression and some overcome it with the use of medications. There are many different treatment options available and it is important that assessment be done for the severity of his depression. After this is done and if appropriate, various medications are prescribed helping him to cope with his depression.
Ask your friend if she is thinking about suicide or hurting herself. If she is, then seeking immediate help is paramount. This intervention may save her life and will get her the help she needs in an urgent manner. You can not ignore these issues as many depressed people actually follow through on their feelings in regards to these actions.