How to Use the Law of Polarity To Stay Positive

The Law of Polarity states that everything has two polarities or extremes. Theses opposites are actually part of the same pole just situated at different ends. Everything in between are varying degrees of the same. This goes for happiness and sadness, hot or cold, rich or poor. This philosophy comes from the ancient Hermetic text called The Kybalion which says, "the difference between things diametically opposed to each other is merely a matter of degree". This could be called the Principle of Practicality since it offers a practical tool for living, healing and staying positive about any event in your life. It's just a matter of degree where you place yourself along the pole. Read on to learn more.


  1. How To Use the Law of Polarity To Stay Positive

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      For example, in between the opposites of hot and cold are various degrees of warmth or coldness. The same is true for prosperity and poverty and courage and fear. The Principle of Polarity allows you to mentally place yourself anywhere along the pole of varying degrees you wish.

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      Imagine a pole with the highest and lowest degrees of whatever is bothering you at each end. Remember that whenever one exists, the opposite has to also exist. So if you are fearful of a situation, courage also exists along that pole. It's your job to mentally move yourself along the pole to the more desired end.

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      Mentally picture the pole and slide a lever up or down the pole to your desired feeling. Think of it as a mixing board on a sound system or a pilot's control panel. By positive thoughts you can move the lever to a better place. If you are worried about money, place the lever towards prosperity not poverty. You can only push yourself as far as you allow your own thoughts so be realistic. If you can only move the lever one notch higher that's better than no movement at all. The goal is of course to see yourself totally prosperous.

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      The power of thought can move mountains in your life. You are in control of your moods and daily fluctuations of happiness or sadness. Envision your levers in their highest position throughout the day. If things start going sour, check your mental levers to make sure they are pushed to their highest goal.

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      Everything that you desire has a pole associated with it. Whether it's having a positive thoughts, healthy relationships or a better financial opportunities you can control your attitude towards it. This simple mental exercise can help you achieve the most you are capable of by keeping your attitude positive and your levers in the most upright position possible. When you are feeling down, chances are your levers have slipped down toward the negative ends of the pole. Mentally push them up again towards the positive ends of the pole and you will notice a difference that can change the direction of your day. Keep monitoring your poles and try to push them up one notch towards positive ends for a change from fear to courage, love to hate and negative to positive.

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