How to Overcome Depression During Bankruptcy
Get help. Don't be ashamed about talking to your doctor about your feelings. It's natural for something like bankruptcy to have a severe affect on you. You may need medication to help you cope.
Concentrate on improving your financial situation rather than blaming yourself. The blame game won't accomplish anything at this point. The best thing to do is look forward.
Find a bankruptcy support group. Debtors Anonymous is one group that provides support to people who are overcome with debt. If you can't make a meeting, they even offer online or telephone meetings (see Resources below).
Take care of your body. Many depressed people don't eat or exercise. They let themselves go. If you feel better on the outside, you'll feel better on the inside. Keep yourself from getting an ulcer.
Get the help of a counselor or psychologist. Set up appointments for sessions and talk about your feelings surrounding the bankruptcy.