How to Get Support When a Loved One has Depression
Seek professional counseling. Being close to a loved one with depression can place an enormous amount of stress on your life; so it is perfectly alright for you to seek the advice of a counselor to help you get through this time.
Lean on your friends and family for support. You may be so consumed by your loved one's depression that you haven't been making time for the other important people in your life, but this is when you need them the most.
Talk to others who've been through the same situation, whether they're friends, family, co-workers or an online or local support group. Seeking support from people who've dealt with loved ones with depression will show you that you're not alone and that you can get through this.
Do things that make you happy. While it is important to be concerned with your loved one, you still need to live your life and partake in activities that bring you enjoyment.
Stay in good physical shape. Eat well, exercise regularly and get adequate sleep to relieve your body of the stress that you've been feeling.