How to Deal With Major Decision Making While Depressed
Evaluate Your Options
Create a list of your options to deal with. You can sometimes see the correct choice more clearly while you are putting your choices down on paper.
Record the pros and cons for each available option. Making a decision this way isn't too different from the traditional kind, but for depressives it is essential to write down the good outcomes that may result.
Ask yourself whether you are erring on the side of pessimism because of the depression. There is some validity to making your decision this way if you anticipate remaining depressed, but if you are in treatment and expect to improve, a rosier projection may be appropriate.
Seek the advice of friends and family who may be able to inject some welcome perspective into the process. One of the inherent difficulties of depression is that it can impair your sense of the bigger picture. Outside help is indispensable for this purpose.
Make a Decision
Make your choice. Major decision making can seem daunting until you actually commit the process. Once you have chosen a course of action, you may find it is less difficult than you had imagined.
Resist the urge to beat yourself up for "choosing wrong." Regret and second guessing such as this are endemic to depression, but they often have little to do with the reality of the situation.
Continue to seek treatment as you commit to the decision you have made.