How to Spot Male Depression Symptoms
Spot Depression Symptoms in Males
Keep alert regarding sexual interest. Men who are suffering from depression frequently lose interest in sexual activities and may be unable to perform in this regard when called upon to do so.
Watch for increased irritability and anger. Because depressed men tend to keep their depressed feelings to themselves, those feelings often end up getting expressed though uncharacteristic explosions of temper.
Listen to what a man is telling you about how he feels physically. Though most males today are not raised to be comfortable speaking about their emotions, they will often verbalize the physical complaints that come with depression, such as being tired, having trouble sleeping or being bored.
Observe sleep patterns. Men who are depressed frequently experience insomnia. If the man in your life suddenly starts to have trouble sleeping (especially if he never had trouble before), then depression may be the cause.
Ask about any increased physical pain. In males, depression and pain often go hand in hand. Back pain, chest pain and muscular pain in the limbs are all common physical manifestations of depression.