How to Differentiate Between Bipolar and Depression
Differentiate Between Bipolar and Depression
Recognize the four moods a person with bipolar disorder can experience: mania, hypomania, depression and mixed episodes. Each one of these moods is distinct with its own set of characteristics and can occur at any time in a person with bipolar disorder.
See mania for what it is. In bipolar disorder, a manic episode is characterized by increased energy and greater feelings of creativity. It is also marked by feelings of invulnerability and even omnipotence. People experiencing a manic episode may take dangerous risks they wouldn't normally attempt.
Learn the subtle differences between mania and hypomania. Hypomania usually just appears as intense cheerfulness. The patient will not have an unrealistic view of herself. In people without bipolar disorder, there is nothing pathological about such moods. However, in a bipolar patient, hypomania is the springboard to a manic episode and so should be monitored carefully.
Become vigilant for depressive episodes. These usually happen after a manic episode ends, but can occur at any time. Depression in a bipolar patient is characterized by intense feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Lethargy, anger and even suicide attempts often accompany a depressive episode.
Be watchful concerning mixed episodes. A person in the midst of this particular mood will rapidly switch back and forth between mania and depression, often within a period of hours or even minutes. A bipolar patient is more likely to inflict intentional harm on himself during a mixed episode than in any other bipolar mood.
Educate yourself about depression. A person suffering from depression will feel "down" most or all of the time. There are no periods of mania, hypomania or mixed episodes in a person with depression, which is the main way to differentiate it from bipolar disorder.
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