How to Help a Loved One With Depression
Help a Loved One With Depression
Help a loved one with depression by getting him to seek medical treatment with a mental health care professional as soon as possible. Take your loved one to all appointments and make sure that he follows through on all of the treatments, including taking prescription medications if there are any. Let your loved one know every step of the way that you are there for him and that you will support him throughout the entire treatment process.
Educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of depression so that you will know when they affect the behavior of your loved one. These signs may include irritability, non-responsiveness, irrational statements and even talk about suicide.
Offer support during the entire treatment process whether there is any noticeable progress or not. Ask your loved one about her emotions in dealing with depression, and listen intently to everything that is said to you. Stay informed and involved so that you can effectively monitor the treatment progress objectively.
Take care of your own health during the healing process and make sure you do stay healthy and focused in order to remain an effective caregiver. If you overextend yourself or ignore your own needs, you may become cranky, irritable and less patient with your loved one, potentially undermining any support you have already given.
Show your confidence in his ability to completely recover from depression. Studies show that with proper treatment, including psychotherapy and prescription medication, 85 to 90 percent of all depression sufferers fully recover to lead normal, healthy lives.
Help your loved one recover from depression by having her participate in fun, exciting activities such as nature walks, a meal at a special restaurant, a night at the movies or anything else that was a part of normal life before the depression set in. Involve other people if possible to reduce the feelings of loneliness, isolation and despair that often accompany depression.