How to Treat Depression With Exercise
Treat Depression With Exercise
Decide which type of exercise program you want to implement as part of your strategy to treat depression. Most mental health professionals agree that any type of exercise can reduce or eliminate depression, so you should pick an activity that you already like to do. Emphasize having fun during your exercise regimen, and don't treat it as a chore or something you have to do.
Tailor your exercise regimen to your state of mind, starting off as slowly as possible. If you dive right into a strict, difficult exercise routine, you increase the chances of giving up if you feel it is too hard. You also increase the chances of injuring yourself, which can cause you to feel even more depressed.
Start off with gentle stretching exercises, such as tai chi, yoga and deep breathing exercises. Yoga, in particular, has been shown to be quite effective in dealing with depression, since the focus and concentration required can help you to reconnect with your mind and spirit in a positive way.
Involve others with your exercise regimen. Having a workout partner will not only increase the chances of sticking with the exercise program, but it will also help to treat your depression by reducing your feelings of loneliness by having someone to talk to while you exercise.
Go outside as much as possible when you treat your depression with exercise. A little fresh air and sunshine can work wonders when it comes to elevating your mood. Break free of your routines by walking through a neighborhood or public park you've never seen before.
Don't give up on your exercise regimen. Depression is often aggravated by feelings of failure, and by stopping your exercise routine, you can experience a major setback in your emotional state. Switch to a different type of exercise if you find yourself not enjoying it, or ask your doctor for more recommendations on proper exercises that can be used to treat your depression.