How to Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself
Talk to a friend or someone who cares about you. Even if you do not agree with their advice, giving voice to your problems brings them up from your subconscious and allows you to examine them. When you keep everything inside, sometimes you don't even realize what is bothering you.
Remember that everything is relative. Your neighbor may be feeling sorry for himself while looking at you, thinking that you are the luckiest person in the world. You may be feeling sorry for yourself because someone else has more money or looks better than you. If we stop and think about what we have, it is always enough.
Consider life in a third world country. Imagine if someone there could see you right now sitting at a computer reading this. They might marvel at the wonders of modern technology and think that you are the luckiest person in the world. They may be struggling for enough food and water just to survive.
Life can overwhelm us. We need to fix some problems in our lives, or we need to get something done. Realize that there will always be problems no matter what, and you never will finish your "To Do" list. Resolve to take care of at least one thing on your "To Do" list every day, and it will give you a feeling of satisfaction.
Remind yourself to live in the moment and stop thinking about the future or past. What we think about creates our tomorrow. If we think about the past, we stay stuck there. If we think about the future, we will never really live it because the future becomes now.
Look around you and realize all that you have. Relish the moment and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Enjoy life!