How to Deal With Depression in the Elderly
Figure out the reason for the elderly person's depression. Possible causes include: relatives living too far away, not enough physical activity and not enough things to do during the day.
Set up a regular time to meet with your elderly friend or parent. You can visit them every couple of weekends, but be sure that you see them at regular intervals.
Help the elderly person find a pet. Cats and dogs can be excellent friends to anyone, especially the elderly. Be sure that the person is capable of properly caring for the animal.
Go outside with the person. Try and take walks in parks and around the neighborhood with them. Getting outside is an important way to deal with depression.
Look for regular senior activities around town. Many halls have bingo and game nights for seniors. It is important to have your elderly friend participate in these activities. They will have fun and also meet new friends.
Take the elderly person to see his doctor. If his depression is caused by something other than lifestyle factors, the doctor can prescribe medication for him.
Consider letting your elderly parents live with you. The elderly often become very depressed when they are unable to care for themselves and have to live in an assisted care home.