How to Improve Your Self-Esteem
Take steps to raise your self-esteem and feel better about who you are.Things You'll Need
- Self-esteem Books
Take stock of your strengths. Review what you are good at and tasks you excel at.
Think of things you can do or projects you can undertake that use and develop these strengths.
Reflect honestly on your weaknesses - but instead of dwelling on how lazy, mean, disorganized or passive you are, commit to change. Brainstorm specific things you can do to overcome the flaws you believe you have.
Survey your environment. Is a friend, family member or co-worker criticizing you unjustly? Distance yourself from this person or resolve not to let his or her opinion affect you.
Act confidently. People will sense your self-confidence and respond positively to you, strengthening your image and self-image all at once.