What Is Dangerously High Blood Glucose?
Symptoms of dangerously high blood glucose levels may include blurry vision, fatigue, extreme thirstiness and frequent urination.
Extremely high blood glucose levels may result in diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome, which is characterized by thick, syrupy blood, or diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a condition that results in the production of toxins known as ketones.
Hyperglycemia may occur as the result of not taking prescribed dosages of insulin or other diabetes medications, emotional stress or physical stress.
Uncontrolled high blood glucose levels can lead to diabetic coma and even death. A physician should be consulted if glucose levels remain high after using prescribed medications. Blood glucose levels over 600mg/dl should always receive emergency treatment.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is treated with IV fluids and insulin therapy. Diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome is treated with IV fluids and medications to treat any underlying infections or conditions that may be contributing to the problem.