How to Use Gymnema Sylvestre for Diabetes
Things You'll Need
- Gymnema sylvestre supplement
- Dry or fresh leaves of gymnema sylvestre
Take gymnema sylvestre to reduce blood sugar levels. According to the University of the Denver School of Medicine, gymnemic acid, one of gymnema's constituents, is thought to reduce the absorption of glucose in the intestines, enhance the secretion of insulin from the pancreas and may improve the utilization of glucose.
Chew the leaves of gymnema sylvestre to reduce the desire for sweet foods. Gymnema contains gurmarin peptide, which interferes with taste receptors for sweet and bitter flavors. However, this action only occurs from chewing dry or fresh gymnema leaves.
Supplement with gymnema sylvestre to improve lipid levels. In animal studies, gymnema has shown some evidence of lowered serum triglycerides, LDL and VLDL cholesterol levels and total cholesterol levels. It is thought that gymnema may decrease the production of cholesterol or reduce the absorption of fat in the intestines.
Chew gymnema sylvestre leaves for appetite satiation. There is no clear evidence that gymnema sylvestre reduces appetite. However it is suspected that gymnema may act as an appetite suppressor, due to its ability to reduce the taste of sweet and bitter flavors, according to research done at the University of Denver School of Medicine.
Do not take gymnema sylvestre if you are pregnant or lactating. While there are no known side effects to using gymnema sylvestre during pregnancy and lactation, it is best to avoid this herb until more is known.