Why Do People Lose Limbs From Diabetes?
Nerve Damage
Diabetes can cause nerve damage, especially in the feet. That nerve damage can mask injuries to the feet due to a lack of sensation.
Limited Blood Flow
Diabetes causes a narrowing of the arteries. Reduced blood flow means longer healing time when recovering from injury.
With reduced sensation and reduced blood flow, injuries can easily become open sores (ulcers) which are more difficult to treat.
Bone & Skin Infection
Open sores can quickly lead to serious infections to the tissue and bone. These infections can become serious enough that they require amputation to save a life.
Avoiding Amputation
There are several steps diabetics must take to prevent injuries from becoming serious. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, and quit smoking. Wash and inspect feet daily, and keep toenails trimmed. Treat any injuries to the feet immediately, and seek medical attention if injuries do not begin healing in a couple of days. Finally, do not go barefoot. Always wear clean, dry socks and shoes.