Can Diabetes Be Managed Without Insulin Injections?
The first and essential step in diabetes control is diet and exercise, according to the American Diabetes Association. The food that you eat can either help maintain a healthy blood glucose level, or it can cause your blood glucose level to elevate to dangerously high levels. If your doctor recommends dieting before starting you on diabetes medication, it is safe to attempt to manage your condition through proper diet.-
Complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, whole-grain breads and pasta and beans should be consumed over foods that contain simple carbohydrates found in processed food and foods that contain refined sugar.
Vegetables are high in vitamins and nutrients, and are low in calories. Fifty percent of your meals should be non-starchy vegetables to maintain blood glucose levels, according to the American Diabetes Association.
Eat lean meat including skinless poultry, fish and extra lean ground beef as it is high in protein and has lower amounts of saturated fat than regular meat.
Avoid unhealthy fats such as saturated fat and trans fats, as they increase the amount of cholesterol in your body and can lead to obesity. Saturated fat is found naturally in cheese, dairy, meat and baked goods. Trans fats are found in fried foods and baked goods. Substitute whole milk and dairy with non-fat or low-fat products to cut down on fat.
Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise daily can help prevent type 2 diabetes and reduce sugar levels. Acceptable exercise includes brisk walking, swimming, gardening, rigorous housework and weight lifting.