Reasons for Elevated A1c
What the Test Measures
When blood sugar is too high, excess sugar bonds to hemoglobin, a substance that helps to transport oxygen throughout your body. This bond is permanent. The A1c test measures what percentage of hemoglobin is bonded to sugar (otherwise known as “glycated”), which can then be correlated to the average blood sugar level for the previous 120 days.
Definition of Elevated A1c
According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics should aim for an A1c of under seven percent. Elevated A1c levels put you at an increased risk of developing health complications.
Cause of Elevated A1c Levels
The higher your blood sugar levels and the longer your blood sugar remains high, the more excess sugar is present in the blood and the more opportunities this excess sugar has to bond to hemoglobin. In other words, high blood sugar levels lead to elevated A1c levels.
Lowering an Elevated A1c
Lower future A1c results by maintaining tighter control of your blood sugar levels. Check your blood sugar more often to identify spikes you may not currently be aware of.
Other Contributing Factors
Certain conditions, like anemia or kidney disease, and taking certain vitamin supplements, like Vitamin C or E, can impact an A1c result.