What to Expect With Diabetes
Type I
There are two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Patients with Type I are unable to produce any insulin in their body.
Type II
A patient with Type II diabetes has some ability to produce insulin, but not enough to meet the body's needs.
Symptoms include unexpected weight loss, thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue and a loss of feeling in your feet. With proper treatment, these symptoms should subside.
General Treatments
Treatments differ with every patient. It is recommended that all patients eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and routinely monitor their blood sugar, cholesterol and blood-pressure levels.
Specific Treatments
Most diabetics are prescribed a daily aspirin to lower blood pressure. Type II patients must take daily injections of insulin since they have no insulin production.
Diabetes is a very manageable condition. Patients who follow their doctor's treatment plan and schedule routine check-ups tend to manage their diabetes successfully and live a normal lifestyle.