Role of Physiotherapists in Diabetes
Physiotherapists prescribe exercise, heat, electrotherapy, massage, and other means to provide holistic treatment. They work one on one with patients on a regular basis.
Lifestyle Changes
In the same way that lifestyle changes are important in the prevention of diabetes, they are also crucial to its treatment. Establishing proper nutrition and exercise habits is one of the most important things physiotherapists do in the treatment of diabetes.
Physiotherapists train patients to perform specific exercises to strengthen muscles and improve circulation in areas that are especially problematic in diabetes, such as the feet.
Massage and Electrotherapy
Physiotherpists also use massage and electrical devices to target specific musculoskeletal problems common to diabetics.
Emotional Support
Perhaps one of the most significant roles of the physiotherapist in the treatment of diabetes is the bonding that comes when the patient works alongside a therapist toward the goal of a healthy lifestyle. Often, physiotherapists can help provide the emotional support needed to face a chronic disease like diabetes.