What's Diabetes Insipidus?
Diabetes insipidus is caused by your body's inability to regulate the fluid levels stored in your body and those passed on as urine.
Diabetes insipidus typically exhibits itself with an exaggerated thirst and large volumes of diluted urine, or over 2.6 quarts of urine per day.
If left untreated, diabetes insipidus can result in severe dehydration and imbalances in your body's electrolytes. This can cause many long term problems, including possible brain damage.
Treatment approaches for diabetes insipidus can vary based on the form of the disease. Treatments range from hormone therapy to diet modifications.
If you are diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, be sure to wear a Medic Alert tag to alert any medical professionals to the fact that you may need special care. Avoid the possibility of dehydration by keeping an adequate water supply with you, especially in times when a water source may not be readily available.